
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Review: Sariayu Martha Tilaar Busa Pembersih Jerawat

Speaking of beauty care..

Speaking of beauty care, no matter you are female or male..

You guys are definitely washing your face regulary, right?? XD

I’m going to review one of facial wash product I ever used: Sariayu Martha Tilaar Acne Care Facial Foam aka Busa Pembersih Jerawat (written in Bahasa Indonesia). This is my first time using facial foam from Martha Tilaar (usually I use Acnes’ *cough cough*). The product is produced by PT. Martina Berto, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Here is what the tube look like. Pretty simple!
It comes with white tube and transparent flip-top lid, contains 75 grams of white cream. At the tube front cover you’ll see a white background with picture of Pegagan. Do you know what Pegagan is? Pegagan is the name of plant, vine with edible leaves, often planted on sides of rice field to prevent erosion. It is usually found in every side of rice field so I guess most of us never see that kind of plant as a human living in urban city or even only heard the name =.=”

Helps reduce acne and take care of the skin
It also said: “helps reduce acne and take care of the skin.” Actually I don’t know what Cananga is, since it’s not written in Indonesian. And thank Wikipedia for giving me some info! You can also check it for further information . In Indonesia it means Kenanga: a kind of plant valued for its fragrance. The essential oil derived from the flowers is used for aromatherapy. I think the flower smells like jasmine.

The transparant flip-top lid
And here’s what the back cover said:

“Get a clean and healthy face with Sariayu Acne Care Facial Foam. Face soap which contains Pegagan extract that helps to treat blemished skin without making it feels dry or irritated and Cananga oil as a soothing aromatherapy.”
In Indonesian:
“Dapatkan wajah yang bersih dan terawat dengan Sariayu Busa Pembersih Jerawat. Sabun wajah untuk membantu merawat kulit berjerawat tanpa membuat kulit menjadi kering dan teriritasi. Mengandung ekstrak Pegagan dan bahan lainnya untuk membantu mengurangi jerawat serta diperkaya dengan Cananga oil sebagai aromaterapi yang memberikan ketenangan.”

This product has no animal testing, dermatologically tested, and warning: Stop usage if sign of irritation/allergy occurs. You also can see the ingredients in the picture below. Sorry for the low quality *bows*

The back side of the tube
This tube contains soft white cream but not sticky. If you apply it too much on your hand, the cream is rather watery so it may run out and drip so be careful while you apply. The cream also smells like flowers! I guess the smell of Cananga ^o^

See that white cream? :3
Just apply required amount of this facial foam on my hand, wet with water until bubbly (produces much bubbles!), rub gently and rinse thoroughly. Remember, you need to really rub your face, make sure the water you usually use is clean. If not, you will see white heads still appear on your face. ( =3=)//

I have been using this for 3 months but there is still much facial foam in the tube. I need about two weeks to spend the rest 0.0 Unfortunately, this isn’t gonna be my favorite one. It says help reduce acne but my face is still attacked by acnes as usual, or even worse. I bought this at department store for IDR 11.800,00 on the beauty corner. You also can find the facial foam at minimarket and the price may be different a bit.

So here is my conclusion:
· Smells good
· Has soft texture
· Cleans your face well
· Economical Usage
· Easily found locally.
· Has well scent of aromatherapy
· Can be used on oily skin

· Not sure it's available on another country.
· Doesn’t reduce acnes of my face.

Possibility to repurchase : No, I will look for another product. Rate : 3,5 of 5 stars.

Sariayu Acne Facial Foam may work for person:
· who is concerned about acnes
· who doesn’t really like fragrance
· who has oily skin, or dry skin, or combination. I think it's for all skin types.
· who look for daily-use product with low price (like me, LOL)

This blog is not for judging whether the product suits your skin or not. You need 'trial and error' to know it ;) Well, just doesn’t work well for me but this facial foam may be useful for you, wanna have a try? ^.^
Have you ever tried this product? How is the result? What’s your favorite?

Disclamer : the product is purchased by my own money and reviewed by honest thought. It's just my way to give you an opinion in buying product that you considered to purchase. I am not affiliated with any company. I am not paid to do this review and everything I said here is my genuine opinion.


  1. Hallo great review..ini ngebuat aku jadi agak teracuni juga pake sariayu. works on me too..ditunggu blogwalkingnya buat simak cerita aku juga ya saay thanks ♥

  2. Hello :-) Thanks for visiting. Aku udah mampir ke blogmu, keren banget tampilannya ♥


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