
Monday, November 11, 2013

Review: Sariayu Martha Tilaar Lotion Jerawat

Still about product of Martha Tilaar..

Before, i've tried the acne care facial foam and it's not bad :-) you can read it here.

Sariayu Martha Tilaar Lotion Jerawat (Acne Care Lotion)

This is an acne care lotion (In Bahasa Indonesia: lotion jerawat) produced by Martha Tilaar. I was attracted to buy this lotion because I was soooo confused of finding some products that will cure my acnes because first, I was still a teenager and that time I thought it was just hormonal acnes. So i would not make my skin heavy of any acne care product. Second, I didn’t have any idea what products I would need. Third, I used to assume that more pricey a beauty product, the higher my skin’s chance got cured.

BUT… Now I know, now I’m more experienced by a method called “trial and error” J I will explain it next time!

Back to topic, it comes with a palm-size bottle sealed by green plastic contains of 100 ml of acne care liquid. 100 ml is pretty much for daily use! This product claims no animal testing and dermatologically tester. There is a cap to cover the flip-top lid.

Covered with green plastic seal

Here’s what the back cover says:
“With fine sulfur and Pegagan to help reduce acnes”
In Bahasa Indonesia: “Mengandung belerang halus dan Pegagan untuk membantu mengurangi jerawat”
Hmm… is it true? :3

See the liquid? It is pink with yellowish granules. I think the yellow ones are the fine sulfur. So you have to shake the bottle before use. Don’t forget to clean your face well first! For optimal result use Sariayu Acne Care Mask and Acne Care Facial Foam (Busa Pembersih Jerawat). Unfortunately, I have spent the whole foam before I bought the lotion X’D

The back side cover...

And here’s the warning:
“May irritate sensitive skin, especially for the first time user. The color might change due to the nature of natural ingredients used without effecting the quality.”
“Hati-hati penggunaan pada kulit sensitif, terutama pada pemakaian tahap awal. Karena kandungan bahan alami, sewaktu-waktu warna bisa berubah tanpa terjadi perubahan kualitas produk.”
I must say the first point is true. It would like sting your acne when you applied the lotion. So my suggestion to you is not to apply on your open wound, I mean open acne. I know you are tempted to pinch those “ripening tomatoes”! I did it too LOL. That would be very very hurt and cause a pus on your acne (In Bahasa Indonesia: jerawat bernanah karena iritasi).

This product is registered on BPOM, and it shows the expired date

Mission: to conquer the tomato twins on my left cheek lol

I tested the lotion to two red “tomatoes” on my left cheek which I guess it caused by mosquito’s bite and i scratched them unintentionally when i slept. After face-washing I wanted to know how it works so I applied it pure without using other product (I usually use Acnes’ *cough cough*) before I went bed. It also has a sense of menthol(?) when it touches your skin.

Comparing: Oct 6 - Oct 26 - Nov 10
As you can see my bare face, there's red area which was also acnes that came out before the 'twins'. I applied the lotion on the all of redness area. Nah, the evidence talks! :D

So here’s my evaluation of Sariayu Martha Tilaar Lotion Jerawat:
Positive Points:
1.      Economical usage.
2.      Cheap, about IDR 25,000,- and you can save your money for months!
3.      Contains sulfur. I heard it’s good for skin problems.
4.      It does reduce your acne.
5.      It has good scent. I don’t know how to describe scents I’m sorry DX

Negative Points:
1.      I doubt about this product availability on another country. I haven’t asked the company.
2.      It may cause an irritation.
3.      It may hurt your skin.
4.      Not travel-friendly. You have to share it in a small bottle.
5.      It may dry your skin.

Scores: 4 of 5 stars

Possibility to repurchase: No, i still have much of it and I’ll use another acne care product of Martha Tilaar :D

Sariayu Martha Tilaar Lotion Jerawat may good for you who:
1.      Looking for cheap but great product!
2.      Loves local product :3
3.      Has no problem with sulfur
4.      Has no sensitive skin
5.      Can deal with scents. It doesn’t too fragrant, anyway.

Sariayu Martha Tilaar Lotion Jerawat may bad for you who:
1.      Has problem with sulfur
2.      Has sensitive skin
3.      Has dry skin, because it may dry your acne area.
4.      Can’t deal with fragrance, though I think it’s not too fragrant.

After Face. I fought the "twins" and won! XD

Disclaimer : the product is purchased by my own money and reviewed by honest thought. It's just my way to give you an opinion in buying product that you considered to purchase. I am not affiliated with any company. I am not paid to do this review and everything I said here is my genuine opinion.


I really appreciate comments and questions. Thank you so much :-)