
Friday, March 21, 2014

Where is Father Gofo, The Mexican Metalhead Priest?

I didn’t remember where I first saw the news, but this figure makes me wonder what on earth he is thinking. From Saltillo, Conhuila, Mexico, Adolfo Huerta Aleman aka Father Gofo is far away from the usual priest you see on Sundays at Catholic church. His rocker appearance makes him like another metal-heads but works as a priest. My question certainly is: How come? Is it his way to make a church revolution? Could working as a priest be his odd hobby?

“Faith isn’t just checking a card and going to church," Adolfo said. 

He has many titles given by people who like him: A Che Guevara priest, the motorcycle priest, metal-head priest and so on. He visits bars, he has the wall room attached with sexy picture, smokes, swears, tells joke during the sermons, drives motorcycle and joins a club called the Blackwings and he is “open”. He even has a facebook and twitter account (it’s not a sin course). Well, you can tell it’s a revolution since he said that his mission is to bring the gospel up-to-date for the 21st century, definitely with his own way. Man, he likes breaking the rules of Catholic priests.

Father Gofo was born in a religious family. Maybe that’s behind the reason he chose the religious job. Once he thought about military, being a policeman, a firefighter, even a teacher, but finally he “entered” the church. However, he didn’t want to leave anything he is attached to. Seems like rock culture is in his blood. He dyed his hair, wears skull rings (Why hello there skulls!) and bracelets in church, even referenced rock songs during mass.

It may not work very well with the conservative people, but with his “open” attitude could approach the inaccessible member to the church. Indeed, it all brings him to a massive pressure as the threats and critics come. The regional bishop, Raul Vera Lopez saw his struggle of his own uniqueness, trusted and supported him for the human rights reason.

People say room reflects someone personality, so does Gofo. His teenager-look-like room is filled with kinds of books including Sigmund Freuds, futuristic novels, comics, magazines, newspaper, Liturgy of The Hours and the Bible he won’t forget. There are also heavy metal and alternative rock CDs (Guess what? He listens to Marilyn Manson! Does Aunt Jillian know this?), posters of Che Guevara, Batman, and women with their “assets” which is clarified that he’s just an admirer of the female body and there’s no filthy thought of them. However, he thinks Playboy is a “goodread”.

His people-think-he’s-an-evil-priest attitude is actually a great point to show he is a good person, according to the fact that he’s able to bear with the dangerous places where no one else dares enter, get connected with young people at the places they socialize like in parties and bars. He even works with HIV-positive patients and sex workers as an activist for social causes, while sad but true, people who are in the church looked more ignorant. Father Gofo believes that church needs to be closer with people, especially the young ones, and understand their reality. At this point, I do agree with Father Gofo.

It is him stated on reuters:

"There is more communion at barbecues, at parties, at bars. When you arrive at those gatherings and places, people greet you, they hug you, they ask you how have you been. When you arrive at church, nobody notices each other and they only shake hands when the priest tells them to do so.”

"I strive for an adult faith, more humane and reasonable. We must demystify faith, the priestly figure people think who won’t smoke or dance, when reality is different. We have to accept the differences and preferences of the others without condemnation. We have to be free and we have to rationalize faith in order to find God everywhere."

And like the reuters blogger said, “I realized that priests are not necessarily semi-angels but real humans with a deep desire to help others.”
What i’m sure people – especially Indonesians will be hardly understand that he doubted the existence of God. Well, it’s my thought from a view as an Indonesian. It is slightly against my country culture, since Indonesia is quietly sensitive about religious issue and yet a conservative country, and there are mudslinger wolves inside the sheep’s clothing making any controversy. So it is important to pay attention carefully to his saying in an interview about the FAITH, "I cling to faith as a motivation for meaning of life, not as much as a God or a religion. If there is no God, I don’t care, my faith motivates me to look for a meaning to improve our relationships. This will help me to be a better human being."

What do you think about Father Gofo?
Do you know where he is?

P.S: I don’t expect any violence contaminating my commentary feature. I’m not trying to say anything bad about religion. Man, I assure you it’s not about the end of earth. What I really mean to say is about our faith and spunkiness. Dare to be different yay!


I truly admire his mission to help the lost souls out there.
Father, I’m the one of them.. I need help..

My wings are black, aren’t they good?

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