
Friday, June 27, 2014

Babybat Steps: What to Wear

Being a babybat is such an unforgettable phase to be a Goth. Some say it's the sweetest time, while some say it's the dumbest moment, including me :p Have you ever tried to change over your style and people were like - you saw them, scared (a lot)? I have and it was horrible, couldn't believe what on earth i was thinking about. I just realized it few weeks after i did it xD So for you, ladies who are the new bats in this exceptional world, prepare to make a wonderful shopping list!

New Steps of Babybat

Black top

Let's start from the plain and multifunctional ones. It may be just black or with another color mixture or a picture on it.

Tank Top in Action

The first choice i give you is tank top. I assume every woman has at least one piece. It can be body fit, half-cut or the loose one. Tank top is also great for you who have shoulder tattoo(s), and can cover your cleavage when you wear clothes with low neck line.

Shirts Aren't Worthy Without 'R'

The second choice is very classic: shirts! T-shirts, short sleeves, long sleeves or even band shirts. I guess the coolest is band shirts. But make sure you have worn the "proper" shirt and make it like you tribute your favorite band.

Black jeans and leggings

Rock Yer Feet

Jeans and leggings work well with various style and are comfortable for everyday wear. However, jeans make the legs become too rigid to do any certain activities, while leggings can be more flexible and may be the substitution of stockings/tights to wear with boots. They have their own plus and minus.

Black Shoes

Shoe She Shoe

Boots work well with most of Goth styles. Boots are very great for protecting your feet from the snow and the rain. Too bad currently i don't own any boots yet because i'm still saving my money.
What? You can't wear boots? Oh, right, there are also many Goths who work at the companies or offices and so am i. We aren't allowed to wear platform boots, of course. Don't worry! Flat shoes, high heeled, stilleto and sneakers are good too. If you are into the lolita style, wear flat shoes or maryjane with ribbon attributes.

Black Outer

Be-Dare Outwear

You may need a cardigan, leather jacket or sweater. For you who also live in everyday-is-summer places, you don't have to wear them only for making up your style, but it is important to see the condition in your area first. If you work in an air-conditioned place, i would like to suggest you a jacket or sweater.


  1. bagus aku suka bgt sama outfit pertama <3

    1. Trima kasih :) itu aku bikin sendiri pakai polyvore


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